How to improve double chin and jawline definition?

Jun 30, 2023


Jawline Definition (Kybella®, Radiesse®)


The shape of the jawline has a profound impact on an individual’s appearance. A well-contoured chin and jawline is desirable in both men and women. It is also a defining masculine and feminine characteristic. Nonsurgical rejuvenation of the lower third of the face with dermal fillers can reshape the jawline, lift soft tissues and improve facial proportions. 


Men view a strong jawline as a symbol of youth, strength, vitality and masculinity. Women view a firm jawline as a symbol of youth and ideal weight. Men who seek to enhance this masculine feature will desire a chiseled, strong chin and jawline. Women, especially those with an oval or heart shaped face, may desire a more youthful jawline to improve facial contours.


The aging jawline


Age – associated volume loss in the lower face manifests as drooping at the corners of the mouth, and jowls leading to a loss of the jawline definition. Collagen and bone are the structural supports of the skin.  A slow decrease in collagen production along with bone changes result in a gradual loss of jawline definition. Gravity causes fat pads at the cheeks to slide down the face depositing fat in the jowls blurring the chin, accentuating a double chin and softening the jawline. Restoration of a youthful appearance can be achieved by correcting this loss with the injectable filler Radiesse. 


The double chin


A double chin is the result of the genetics, hormones, bone structure and weight. Fat that accumulates below the jawline is resistant to diet and exercise. Men and women are equally affected. The chin, jawline and neck are areas of concern for many patients even very thin people.  A recent survey done by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery indicated that 67% of respondents were bothered by “excess fat under the chin/neck.” Nonsurgical jawline rejuvenation and definition can be achieved with the use of the calcium hydroxylapatite dermal filler Radiesse.




Radiesse is a collagen stimulator, made of calcium hydroxylapatite, that works below the skin to fill areas of volume loss. It is very effective to restore jawline contours. Radiesse provides immediate and longer-term results, temporarily filling and plumping winkles and folds, while stimulating collagen production and encouraging tissue growth. It lasts about a year or more. Radiesse is a valuable option for soft, natural look and feel. 




Until recently, the only option to treat a double chin was liposuction. Kybella is a game changer. For the first time there is a nonsurgical, natural method to rid yourself of submental fullness, commonly called a double chin. Kybella is the first and only FDA approved injectable that reduces fat under the chin.


Kybella is formulated with synthetic deoxycholic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in the body to help us metabolize fat. Kybella injections work to destroy stubborn fat which the body metabolizes over a few weeks, to reveal a new jawline and neck profile; and the results are permanent. 


If you are uncomfortable with the contour of your double chin, Kybella could be the solution you seek. However, if you have a significant amount of loose, sagging skin under your chin, it may not accomplish your goals without combining it with a skin tightening procedure.


Nonsurgical rejuvenation of the chin and jawline will improve facial harmony, strengthen the jawline, reduce a double chin and restore a more youthful appearance.


Your aesthetic consultation


Contact Dr. Pantea Hashemi at Sacramento Skin Clinic to schedule a consultation and discover the exciting new ways to restore a youthful appearance.  Dr. Hashemi is a board-certified dermatologist and expert injector with an artist’s eye. All treatments are personalized to address your goals and needs.



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